We are pleased to announce that Ltd. “Vizuālā diagnostika” branch in Kuldīga (located in Ltd. “Kuldīgas slimnīca” premises) has a new ultrasonography machine Aplio a 550 (manufactured by Canon Medical Systems, Japan) that has the latest generation of high-end diagnostic ultrasonography equipment with unique imaging technologies, providing an even higher screening resolution and significantly improving image visualization, thus increasing the quality of the ultrasonography study and the ability to diagnose earlier changes in tissues and structures.
A significant advantage of the new equipment is the excellent image resolution in examinations of pregnant women, which is achieved by a special abdominal probe with single crystal technology. This is particularly important when investigating the foetus throughout the pregnancy. This special probe has a wide frequency range (1-10 MHz), which provides visualization of the smallest details in the 1st and 2nd trimester screening, but at the same time it is possible to examine later pregnancy periods.
The device is equipped with a unique microvascular imaging technology - SMI or Superb Microvascular Imaging, which increases the range of visible blood flow to visualize low-velocity microvascular flow that was previously unseen. This technology is especially helpful in evaluating various formations and lymph nodes.
With the new equipment we offer to perform the following examinations:
• Abdominal organ USG;
• Thyroid USG;
• Breast USG;
• Lymph node USG;
• Gynecological USG;
• Obstetrics - 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester screening;
• Pediatric USG;
• Neonatal neurosonography (Frontal Suture examinations).
Examinations with the Canon Aplio a550 Ultrasound Machine can be performed:
SIA “Vizuālā diagnostika” branch in Kuldīga
(SIA “Kuldīgas slimnīca” premises),
Aizputes street 22, Kuldīga,
Phone: 63374025, 29100074
E-mail: kuldiga@vc4.lv